Thursday, June 9, 2011

Calling In The Steam Team

I mentioned the other day that I know a bunch of people who are either planning to move or have just moved recently. So it's funny to me that the craziest home story that I've heard this week came from a friend of mine who hasn't moved in a few years. What she does have is a couple of kids and a couple of dogs, all rambunctious, which is definitely a recipe for wackiness.

This week's story was about how you should not attempt to relax with a glass of red wine in your beige-carpeted living room at the end of a long day, because Kid A and Dog B will come wildly chasing each other into the room, and they will not be satisfied with just knocking over one glass. No, they'll take out both glasses and the bottle too.

Of course, this is nothing new for my friend - by now she knows all there is to know about carpet cleaning in Austin. She's got bookmarked in her laptop and their number ready to go in her phone. She likes them because they offer every carpet cleaning service that she could ever need, as well as pet odor treatments (did I mention she has two dogs?), upholstery cleaning (did I mention she has two rambunctious kids), and green cleaning services so that she can keep the chemicals to a minimum around her wacky and wonderful family. Personally, I like them because of their name. They sound like superheroes. Put the Steam Team signal in sky today!

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