Thursday, April 21, 2011

Find Your Education

Lately I've been thinking about continuing my education by taking some online courses. I'm not ready to commit to a full graduate school program right now. And affording it would be a challenge too! I'm still not fully recovered from my days of FAFSAs and student loans. (I'm sure many of us remember all of those fun house spent on

But online classes seem like they could be a good fit for my life and schedule right now. So I've been doing a little research, and I found a site called Find Your Education that has a ton of information about online courses and degree programs. It's great because you can search by subject and find listing of all of the different online programs that are out there.

I've been looking at the online degree programs in graphic design because that's a subject that has always interested me and I feel like it would help me in the future if I want to give this blog an overhaul and make it all fancy and pretty. I haven't made any final decisions about the future of my education, but now I definitely feel a lot more "educated" about my options.

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