Monday, August 23, 2010

Fantasy Office Decorating: Tiles

We met someone the other day who was asking us about what we do, and one of the things she asked was where our office is located. (Doesn't she know that all bloggers are legally required to work out of their parents' basements?) So you know what that means...another round of fantasy office decorating!

This time we were talking about cool things that we've seen in the offices that we've all worked in over the years. I used to work in a building that was big on tiles - really pretty subway tiles and a tiled fountain in the lobby, and cool mosaics in all of the elevators. People always commented on it when they visited for the first time. So I had to add tiles to the fantasy list. (It's a long list at this point. Our fantasy office is totally going to be in Architectural Digest.)

Obviously, bathroom tiles are a no brainer. We'd probably go with something like this:

But there's a lot of cool stuff out there (glass, marble, stone, etc.) so we could really go crazy in other rooms if we wanted to. Yes, our fantasy office has "other rooms". (It helps to find a site that's affordable and lets you order lots of samples.)

Knowing us, we'll never be able to choose just one. Guess it's a good thing that tiles are easy to clean.

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