This post brought to you by Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
I recently went to visit a friend of mine who has a new baby. He's super adorable, as most babies are. At one point she went to change his diaper and I saw her pull this product out of her diaper bag that I just had to comment on.
"What the heck is Butt Paste?!"
It turns out that Boudreaux's Butt Paste is a popular diaper rash ointment. (I don't know if it's the most popular, but it's definitely the one with the most memorable name.) And since new moms often enjoy sharing their parenting knowledge, I learned that Butt Paste was developed by a pharmacist in consultation with a pediatrician, and it works really well to soothe irritated baby bottoms without being too greasy or having an unpleasant smell. Her son apparently agreed with her because he didn't seem to mind the Butt Paste application process at all.
I'm actually glad that I got this little mothering lesson. I have a baby shower to go to next month and I was thinking of doing a little gift basket, so maybe I'll buy a jar of this stuff to go in it. And apparently you can get a free sample if you go to their website - that's how my friend first tried it after seeing it mentioned on TV - so I might get a sample for my cousin as well. Mostly I just want to be able to tell people that I got them some Butt Paste. Because I'm very mature. I'm only thinking of the children, really.
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