Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby-Proofing Madness

I recently visited a friend of mine who has a new baby. He's her first child, so even though he's not really very mobile yet, the baby-proofing was in full effect at her house, from Baby Gates to stove and window guards. Everything is so thoroughly baby-proofed that getting around is kind of like going through an obstacle course.

I made the mistake of making a joke about all of the guards and gates and ended up getting a full lesson on baby-proofing and kid safety. (In all seriousness though, I don't blame her for being cautious, and I think that's far better than not being careful enough.)

She told me that she researched a lot of baby safety items and ended up going with a company called They make all kinds of child safety products as well as Pet Gates and other related stuff. She evens checks their KidSafe Blog sometimes to make sure she's up on all of the latest products. Can't leave anything unproofed! (They also have info about things like crib recalls, which is really important because it seems like products for babies are recalled every other week these days.)

The bottom line is that her son is absolutely adorable, so I'm okay with her wrapping her whole house in bubble wrap if it keeps him safe and happy.

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