Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Magazines as holiday gift wrap

Guest post written by Beth Fitzwilliam

I love to read magazines. I read and subscribe to so many of them though that it seems like I'm constantly tossing them out in the recycling because I get so many of them. But I thought that this year for Christmas, I would use some of the especially neat looking magazine pages to wrap up some of my gifts in and even use as tissue paper in gift bags. I thought that would be especially good for my fashion magazines too.

But I wasn't smart or creative enough to think up of that one on my own. I had been online with my Clear internet a few weeks ago and I had been looking for new ways to wrap my gifts with things I already had around the house when I came across the magazine idea.

But the only problem with magazine gift wrap is that magazine pages are so small and they don't really do well for bigger gifts. But a lot of my gifts this year are actually gift cards and smaller things, so magazine pages are just about the right size for it.

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