Sunday, August 22, 2010

Somebody Buy Me A Bobi

I gave a friend of mine a ride home the other day, and someone on her street had the coolest mailbox ever. Okay, maybe not the coolest ever, I'm sure there are some cooler mailboxes in igloos or historical examples involving the Pony Express or something, but as contemporary mailboxes go it was pretty darn cool. Check it out (this isn't the actual one that I saw but it's the same style):

Cute, right? I think it looks like a little robot. I half expect it to walk inside on its own and tell me what I got in the mail that day, or shoot little laser beams at any unauthorized person who tries to get in. ...yeah, okay, so I might have issues. But it does look like a robot.

Apparently they're called Bobi mailboxes, and they're made in a little town in Finland by a company that was founded by two brothers. Leave it to those Scandinavian and/or Nordic countries to be on the cutting edge of mailbox design. Why have a regular old boring mailbox when you could have a cool looking mailbox robot and be the envy of the entire neighborhood?

So, who wants to buy me a bobi mailbox of my own? They come in a bunch of sizes and colors. Personally, I'm partial to the basic stainless steel ones, because I think they look the most robot-like, but I'm also kinda liking the red ones too. I wouldn't even necessarily just use it as a mailbox, either - I'd put one of the little ones in my house and use it to hold magazines or recipes or something like that. And I'm sure the real robot version is just a few short years away...right?

1 comment:

Jen said...

It totally does look like a robot.